On the ride back home we had the music turned down low, I guess because my parents are old and don't like getting their jam on. I don't know. But anyways, it was quiet. Suddenly I heard a line from the song that was playing. My mind did a double take, and I asked for the music to turn up, announcing that this was one of my favorite songs.
Alyssah politely commented that I said every song on JoyFM was my favorite. Whatever.
The radio went up a couple notches and the chorus came back around. This time I was ready for it. And these two sentences have had me thinking all night.
"When did love become unmoving?
When did love become unconsuming?"
The next verse came on, but I wasn't really listening to it. Because I was still stuck on what had just played. That was a darn good question. When had love become unmoving? Seriously. Love is talked about to be the greatest emotion, the purest of all. The most monumental. So unmoving? For real?
Because looking around, I see so many people that aimlessly declare they love someone, and yet, nothing is changing. People's lives are mediocre, and we still have problems that could be fixed by more patience and kindness. Relationships with others that, if we weren't always jealous or proud and trying to pump ourselves up, we could be fixing. That I could be fixing.
I remember about a year or two ago, I took a college visit down to Evangel University. I was able to sit in on a class, and though I don't remember the name of the course or the room number it was in, I do very distinctly remember something the Professor said.
"People always say to one another, 'Wow, I love you so much. I could never even show you how much I love you.' That is baloney! That is how you love someone, through your actions!"
He made a good point. If you aren't showing someone your love, then where is it? How are you even loving them?
I heard a quote one time that said "I believe in love the verb. Not the noun." Not just saying you love someone, but actually showing them through what you do.
I feel like I'm just pulling quotes after quote, but here's another one. Francis Chan, "Jesus didn't call us to have a daily devotional with Him. Rather He tells us to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.""
So if I actually love God, truly and completely love Him, my life should be moved by that. It should be consumed by that. I should be able to see it, through the things I do and say.
If it's not moving, or consuming, it isn't love. It could be me pretending to love God. It could even be me wanting to love God. But that's not enough.

All night, as I've been writing this post, Alyssah's been coming into my room. Just wanting to talk. And I've been so distracted by trying to get this posted that I've been telling her to go away. But before I did, by golly I made sure to tell her I loved her!
But do you really think she felt that I did?
Because right now, I've been choosing a computer screen over her feelings.
In Crazy Love, Chan talks about putting your name in for the 1 Corinthians 13 verse. I want to try it. Right now.
Alonnah is patient with Alyssah. (False.) Alonnah is kind to Alyssah. (False.) Alonnah is not provoked by Alyssah. Alonnah doesn't brag about herself to Alyssah. Alonnah isn't selfish with Alyssah. (False. False. False.)
Oh my goodness. I just want to stop now, because this is so embarrassing.
And I could probably stick God's name in there too, and get pretty convicted as well.
However, I think it's time to just post this and be done. So I can actually love my sister. The verb way.
Live without pretense. LOVE. Drink more water.
LOVE God. LOVE Others. Let it move. Let it consume.
A Diez.
P.S. The song was You Can Have Me, by Sidewalk Prophets. In case you wanted to check it.