While I was playing my favorite game, Korey Hogan asked when I would mention him in a blog post. Then, surprise, Jared Hogan said he wanted to be in a post too! Must be a twin thing.
So here I am. Jared and Korey Hogan. Korey Hogan. Jared Hogan. HOGAN. JARED. KOREY.
Anyways, Korey had asked how often I try to write blogs and I couldn't give him a definite answer because I really can only write them when God kindly gives me something to compose. I've tried to come up with posts before, without God showing anything, and they were about as successful as the second Mean Girls movie. Which means not at all.
But today, low and behold, God had to convict Alonnah in yet another area of her life! So guess what? Blog post time.
I've had Baby Mario for over three years now. (my little red Oldsmobile). And I have never, ever, dusted him. And maybe dusting wouldn't have been quite as necessary if last semester I hadn't been running late for class one morning and split Cheerios all over the shifter. Baby M hates Cheerios.
So, because I had some wet wipes left over from the mission trip last week, I decided to have some TLC time with my car. I knew I had about two hours before I needed to start getting ready for dinner at my grandmas, but I also knew I had multiple things I wanted to do in between that time as well.
As I'm wiping away glitter and Cheerio flakes from my cup holder I notice a very familiar person. My sweet, kind, dear old man neighbor. (75% of my neighborhood is elderly people, so I feel like his identity is protected fairly well, regardless of the web posting.) And though he is dear and sweet and kind, I cringed just a bit, and tried hiding my face. Because another adjective to describe this man is talkative.
I'm able to go about five minute before he calls out to me. I try to do the hurried wave as I bee line towards the front door, but he gets me. We chit chat a little bit and then he invites me inside. I tell him thanks for the offer but I really don't have time and hopefully another day we can catch up. He seems a bit bummed out and, after talking to me for a bit longer, heads back into to his garage.
And then I did the smart thing of trying to explain the situation to God.
The conversation went somewhat like this.
Me: "Hi, Lord. That sweet old guy needs someone to talk to. Someone with a lot of time on their hands. For some reason our paths seem to cross a decent amount. But I really am not the Christian for this job. I'm too busy. You might want to get someone else on that."

Then, tonight during Bible time, I was reading 1Thessalonians and this little number popped out:
1 Thes 2:4
"Instead, just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please men, but rather God, who examines our hearts."
So many times I think that I'm not well enough prepared, or not the right person to be sharing the gospel with so and so. But this verse is like the Sharing Gospel Diploma. God approved you to share it- He gave you the A-Okay.
Going back to the busy thing, there are just a few things I want to say. About a year ago I was taking on quite the amount of Jesus tasks. And it got to the point where people would tell me I needed to watch out or that I was putting too much on myself. I began hesitating, and thinking that if people were noticing I was doing a lot for God that I must be at Jesus par and I could hold back a little. And then, I felt like God was saying,

It just stopped me cold. Because really, only my Creator knows my potential. He knows if I am or am not giving it my all.
So that was a year ago. And I did take on many more endeavors. However, recently, with it being Fourth of July weekend, and wanting to have time with friends and family and friends again and just desiring good Christian fellowship along with multiple Jesus tasks, I've gotten to the point where I think the last time I really studied the Bible was last week. I felt God remind me of last year, and then He whispered,
"Hey. Remember when I said you can take on more? Well, it's time you take on a little less."
Sometimes I get so silly and think that God just doesn't understand. But then it's like, not only is He my Father- He is my Creator. And He knows exactly what He created me for. So why am I so squirmy about doing things He's placed in my life? Or, on the flip side, why do I get so anxious to do things He hasn't called me to at this point?

I'll end with this beautiful verse from Isaiah 43. Verses 1-3.
"This is what the Lord says- the one who created you and formed you: 'Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you...For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.' "
Live without pretense. Love. Drink more water.
A. Diez.