Tio Cruz is famous for singing "I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, saying 'Aaaayo! Gotta let goooo!'"
Well, in high school my friends and I used the paraphrase:
"I throw my homework in the air sometimes, saying 'Aaayo! I'll take a Zerooo!"
We thought we were clever.
But tonight, I realized my little rhyme doesn't work so well in Adult World.
During the middle of one of my new "adult things" I began to get pretty frustrated. As I used to do in high school, I began to sing, "I throw my..." But then I realized it wasn't homework. And I couldn't just "take a zero".
Because it's not part of a grade anymore, it's actually my work performance. And it matters.
Not that my homework never mattered to me, on the contrary, I always tried to get it done. But those nights when I'd spent 3 hours on an AP History worksheet, towards the end I admit I would put down blow off answers. My grade was padded enough, who cared if I got it wrong? I'd just make up for it later.
But now, I can't get things wrong.*
It's a whole different concept, knowing that I can't just shrug things off anymore. No longer does crossing my fingers and hoping for extra credit work. Because this is the real world. And they want real work.
I think the problem with society today is that only about half of adults get this- the other half are stuck in the close-one-eye-make-a-wish-on-a-dandelion mode. And that's not beneficial. For anyone. (Excluding dandelions, who seem to be multiplying by the second.)
This is my newest challenge (or warning) to all: Learn the difference between the real adults and the dandelion ones. And then, put your trust in the smart ones. Because while dandelions might be fun to be around, they aren't someone you can trust with advice, money, relationships, jobs, commitment, anything that will affect your future.
Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge. The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fools is deceiving.- Proverbs 14:7-8, I believe.
Prudent. Yuck. I thought that was the worst word growing up. It sounds like a mix between the words "prune" and "dent", and there is nothing glamorous about any part of that.
So needless to say, the thought of striving to be someone people would call "prudent" never exactly thrilled me.
But as there is to everything, we have a flip side. Here is a beautiful quote I read a few years ago, that has become one of my biggest philosophy.
"Follow your heart, but take your brain with you."
I was talking to my friend Kristi last week, and we came to the exact same conclusion.
God gives us desires. He gives us dreams. It's what makes us who we are and gives us the special ability to work in places only we can. My friend Christina is an awesome Clarinet player. She's so good, she marched in the Rose Parade this year, and might possibly be touring around Eurpoe this coming summer. God's given her a passion for music, and she has this huge realm of musicians she can witness to. Me? Not so much. Once we move past the fact there's a treble and a bass clef, I'm lost.
But that's not who God made me to witness to. He hasn't given me the same passion as her, or you, or anyone else.
So the exciting thing is, it's good to follow our Godly desires.
The scary thing is, if we don't use wisdom, we can end up really, REALLY lost.
When God offered King Solomon anything, and Solomon chose wisdom, God was thrilled. I think, after love, wisdom is one of God's favorite things.
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all
without finding fault, and it will be given to him (James 1:5)
We need to remember, that while we're living out life, pursuing our dreams; we have to remember to continually ask God for wisdom- and act on it.
Be someone after God's own heart- and take His wisdom with you.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get to bed. Because while writing is a lot more fun than sleeping, I need to be up early tomorrow. Call me prudent, but I think sleep is the wise thing to do. (-:
Live without pretense. Love. Drink more water.
*Okay I CAN, but it wouldn't be without major issues occurring. Obviously I'm human so I'm going to make some mistakes.