Alonnah Diez got texting.
And I would like to personally thank everyone who so lovely congratulated me by saying "Welcome to the 21st century." Hardy har har. -_-.
So, here's the verdict...
Drumroll, please.
I love it. I love, love, LOVE it.
Seriously, now I understand what all the hype is about. Texting is awesome. There are so many times I think of something I want to mention to a friend, but don't have time for a conversation, and boom, message sent. It's so easy. And convenient.
I love that I can text in the Library, when I'm supposed to be silent.
I love that I can text in Wal-Mart, where I would really annoy people by having a phone conversation.
I love being able to text someone in a large crowd, where I can't even hear myself think.
And I really love being able to text people things I don't want others around me to hear.
So, yeah. I'm a fan.
And then, when I was driving home this weekend, meditating on my newly adored tool, I realized that this actually relates really well to prayer.
Prayer is so easy. Especially when you put it into perspective. God is the Creator of every part of the world, parts we haven't even seen before. The One who has all-knowledge over everything, all the time. God is like majorly important. *And we can talk to Him whenever.
It would be like having President Obama's personal cell phone number. Only times a bazillion.
When we have something we need to pray about, we don't have to wait for a window to open up, we can just pray, right then and there, and He guarantees He hears us.
But God has surely listened and has heard my prayer (Psalm 66:19)
It really is the easiest, quickest thing ever.
So. What else?
Well, there is something else I've realized about texting. I haven't had the most touching conversations. Don't get me wrong, I like texting my friends, but as far as heart to hearts go- not a whole lot of that going on. (Excluding, like, two.)
And it's because it's not personal. It's almost a side thought. I'll be watching Duck Dynasty and then shoot a quick reply to a text. I'm not fully involved in the conversation, and it doesn't have a whole lot of my attention.
That's why I like having calling too. Now, when I want to have a good phone conversation I go into a separate room, where there won't be any distractions. I make sure I have a decent amount of time to talk before I call someone, and I definitely give the person on the other end full attention.
I've had some pretty intense phone conversations.
And those are also important. The people I text, if I want to have an actual friendship with them I can't just text them whenever I get the chance. I need that personal connection too.
And prayer works that way as well.
See, it's nice to send up a quick prayer when I can't find my car keys. I love being able to do that.
But in order to have an actual real intense relationship with God, I need to have those long heart to hearts, where I set everything aside to just spill out my guts. And worship. And reflect. And ask forgiveness. And get to know Him.
This past month has been really hard on me. Like really hard. Every area of my life seemed like it was under attack, and I've been a mess. But I've felt like I've been getting through it pretty well. Until this past week.
I've been irritable. I've been crabby. Physically and emotionally tired. I've been anxious. And stressed. And overly worried about things I can't even pinpoint.
And I noticed that it's been about a week since I've had a set aside quiet time with God.
Then I started to make mental notes of when I was at my worst this past month, and it started lining up.

See, the problems weren't harder when I wasn't reading my Bible and in prayer. They were still the same problems.
But when I did start getting back into the Word and praying, I was able to handle the same problems in different, much better, way.
Like Lewis said "It does not change God- it changes me."
It wasn't always changing my problems right before my eyes, but it was changing me. And the way I coped with those problems.
I guess if there's a good way to sum this up, it would be that we really are lucky to have a textable, easy to communicate way to talk to God. But it's also imperative that we don't let that easiness ruin the opportunity of a deeper relationship with Him.
Live without pretense. Love. Drink more water.
*The Bible does make it very clear that God does not hate anyone, but if people aren't in a relationship with Him, they don't have the same, I guess you could say benefits, as those who are actively following Him. Here are some of the other verses I found.
Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him. -John 9:31
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. -James 5:16
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. -1 Peter 3:12