
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Starting Blocks Rock My Socks

"Today, we are going to do block work," Coach Mechem announced to the sprinters. Inwardly smiling to myself, I knew today would be a free day. Because Alonnah Diez didn't use blocks. It was my freshman year of track, and probably about the second week. As I made my way down the 100 meter stretch I began to ponder what else I could spend my time doing that day.

"Alright girls. How many of you know your lead leg?"
My what?
To humor everyone, I went through the technique of leaning forward until I fell to figure out which leg I started off with. Apparently this was Track 101.

Coach proceeded to explain the use of blocks, and then one by one girls went into the start position, waiting for the signal. Then it was my turn.

"I'm sorry, I really really don't feel comfortable with these. I don't like using blocks. They make me slower," I explained, just as I had in Middle School. Lesson number one, Middle School track does not equal High School track.

Ever so patient and understanding, Coach Mechem smiled and told me again that it was my turn, encouraging me to give it a try.

Not wanting to make anyone mad, I decided to give it a go. However, I was NOT using them in any upcoming races. Not unless I wanted to lose.

I awkwardly made my way down into the blocks. Even being only 4'11, I felt cramped and wobbly. On "set", I was so ready to get out of there my butt shot straight up and I tumbled out on "go!" I didn't have to ask, it was bad. Like pretend to have to go to the bathroom so you can hide in the locker room bad. So what did Coach say?

"Wow. You need to keep practicing."

Ugh. High School people just don't get it.

I remember the first couple meets trying to sneak up to the starting line without my blocks set. However, apparently coaches are much more observant than I gave them credit for. No matter how much I pleaded, I was told to keep using the ridiculous starting blocks that made me look like an idiot. I remember doing not so hot those meets.

So then, Conference came. Every Freshman was allowed to run JV. SCORE! I knew it could be an easy and good day. And, I had a plan.
I decided I could show coach just how fast I could be without the blocks. I'd been losing race after race, and I wanted to prove to him it was no fault of mine! As I warmed up for the 100m, I started my plead,

"How about today I run without the blocks? I looked at my times from last year, and they are so much faster than I've been running this year. Just for today?" I'd done my research. Who could say no to that?

Coach Mechem. That's who.

A bunch of comments about how I'd been really improving, a bunch of silly statistics and running science on why blocks helped you get out on the right angel.
I sulked back to set up the machine of death.

I'd really wanted to win today. Not that other days I tossed in the hat, but today was CONFERENCE. Kind of a big deal.
So when the gun went off, I decided if I had to use blocks, I'd at least try to use them right.

Not only did I get first, but I also beat my personal record.

I started using blocks for all my races.

Isn't it weird, that while we have coaches and parents and other people in our lives who know their stuff, we just keep on doing what we're doing? I've been thinking about that recently. Like when my mom warned me not to use Dollar Tree Nair, but I thought I was wiser and used it anyways.

I know I'm not a talented cook. So when my friend told me not to add Crisco AND butter to our cookies, you would've thought I'd listened.

Or when my eye doctor, who is a doctor for eyes, told me not to sleep in my contacts.

These are people who I should've listened to. So why, when there is someone who obviously has more knowledge than myself, do I refuse to obey to them?
Because it's more fun?
Because I think I know better?
Because of pride?

While reading the Bible, I've noticed it's really fun to read the motivational, fuzzy feeling verses. You know, the ones you get tattooed on your arm or pin on your pinterest board?

"She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future."
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil."
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength."

These pump me up! Like I love thinking of laughing at the future and having renewed strength. Who doesn't?

But I've also started to notice, that with Bible verses of instruction, like do this or do that, I like to..I guess water down? The verses like

"Give to everyone who asks of you, and whoever takes away what is yours, do not demand it back."
"It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality."
"Give thanks in all circumstances."
"Sell your possessions and give to the poor."

Really? Who has "Don't have sex before marriage and sell your favorite Hollister bag to get money to give to charity" as their Facebook coverphoto? I don't.

I once saw a sign that said "Stop taking everything I say so literally. -God."
If Jesus didn't want us to take it literally, don't you think he would have said so? He knew how to use parables.
So why, when I read verses that say "Whoever takes what is yours do not demand it back" do I start making so many exceptions? Except when it's my sister. Except when it's my favorite CD. Except when I was wanting to wear those sandals on vacation?

"But I don't want to be taken advantage of!" That's always my excuse. Then, in the back of my mind, I realized, Jesus was taken advantage of.
So, the King of Kings can be taken advantage of. But not me?
Ouch. I don't want to even dignify that by trying to justify it.

God knows all that. He knows everything we know, and so much more. Just like with my track coach. Coach Mechem knew that I was awkward in blocks, but he'd also seen how much practice can help blocks, and how much blocks can help races.

I guess it's just a pride thing. Thinking I know more than my eye doctor does about my contacts.
Thinking I know more than God does about how much the poor needs.

About a month ago, I decided to take it literal. I went through my closet and decided to get rid of half my clothes to give to the poor. As I held stuff up I thought "Really? REALLY? This was like a quarter at Goodwill. I didn't even spend that much on it!"
Then it was that moment when God says something you should've known, but didn't. When it hits you gently in the gut and you can't breathe.
"Alonnah. It's an obedience thing."

This is my new goal. Before reading the Bible, I used to pray that God would open up my eyes to things I haven't before seen. Now, I think I need to also start asking to be humbled before I read too. Because pride, that's gets me.

If I read it like "Alonnah, it's My will that you be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality." Oh my gosh, a direct request from God. Heck yes I'll do that.

But when we read those instruction verses, the ones we don't 100% agree with, we assume He must have meant someone else. Anyone else, besides ourselves.

When I say I am a Christian, that means I follow Christ. Not just when it makes me feel good about my life, or gives me encouragement. But also when it doesn't make sense. Because He's wiser than me. Why in the world would I not want to do it?

Live without pretense. Love. Drink more water. Hug Humility.
A. Diez.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

No sisters were harmed in the making of this blog post

I love eating cereal. Especially at night. There's something wholesome about a bowl of Lucky Charms right before you go to sleep.

Sadly, we have this rule in our house to where you aren't supposed to take food down stairs. Something about how we never remember to bring the dishes up, I don't know. Either way, it's a no-go and I'm restricted to my kitchen table.

Anyways, last night my little sister wanted to watch The Office with me, before we fell asleep. I was totally down with that, but told her I needed to finish my cereal first. To which Alyssah responded, "Oh it's okay, you can take it downstairs!"


So I asked her if the rules had changed. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know. I do it."

That is true. I have seen her parade down the stairs and plop on the couch with some yogurt. And it looks so relaxing..
On a comfy couch. Eating food. Watching TV. That's the American Dream right there.

Tempting. Very tempting.

But, I realized even if I based my decision on the actions of my sister, in the end I still wouldn't be answering to her. I would be answering to my mom. And that would be a big difference.

And then I realized I had JUST posted a Facebook status about this. If you saw it yesterday, I apologize:

Simon says "Pat your head," we pat our heads. Jesus says, "Go therefore and make disciples," we memorize that verse." -Francis Chan.
We are so watered down by our society. By comparing ourselves to people who are already like us. I don't want to live that way anymore.

This has been something that's been bombarding me everywhere I go. I guess God does that when He's trying to tell you something. See, it's easy to compare where I eat my food with what my sister does. But in the end that's not what matters. It's the way I was obedient with the rules that were clearly set by our parents.

And I know I've done that as a Christian before too.
I'll see more mature Christians doing something, and without even thinking about if it's truly Biblical, I'll just assume it's fine if I do that too. Because they're Christians right? But that's where I need to stop. Because we are supposed to be comparing ourselves to Christ, not other Christians.

You know, Jesus did say go make disciples. But society says that is awkward and weird and we need to just leave people alone and let them do their own thing. You know, good old laissez-faire?
But society isn't the one that accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior..

And the more I thought of this, the more stressed I became. Because I realized most American Christians love to live lukewarm.
So what am I supposed to use as a reference point? All I have is the Bible.

And then the next realization hit me.

That's exactly how it's supposed to be. Me and the Bible.

Now please, please, PLEASE don't think I'm saying group Bible studies or church or Christian friends are irrelevant. Not at ALL. They are awesome awesome awesome.
But when it comes to evaluating how I am living my life, I need to look at Jesus's standard, not the American church's.

Some things are pretty clear cut. Jesus says do it. So why do we sit and analyze and try to talk our way out of thinking that He meant it?

Live Without Pretense. Love. Drink More Water. Jesus's Rules. JESUS RULES! ;D