Sadly, we have this rule in our house to where you aren't supposed to take food down stairs. Something about how we never remember to bring the dishes up, I don't know. Either way, it's a no-go and I'm restricted to my kitchen table.
Anyways, last night my little sister wanted to watch The Office with me, before we fell asleep. I was totally down with that, but told her I needed to finish my cereal first. To which Alyssah responded, "Oh it's okay, you can take it downstairs!"
So I asked her if the rules had changed. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know. I do it."
That is true. I have seen her parade down the stairs and plop on the couch with some yogurt. And it looks so relaxing..
On a comfy couch. Eating food. Watching TV. That's the American Dream right there.
Tempting. Very tempting.
But, I realized even if I based my decision on the actions of my sister, in the end I still wouldn't be answering to her. I would be answering to my mom. And that would be a big difference.
And then I realized I had JUST posted a Facebook status about this. If you saw it yesterday, I apologize:
Simon says "Pat your head," we pat our heads. Jesus says, "Go therefore and make disciples," we memorize that verse." -Francis Chan.
We are so watered down by our society. By comparing ourselves to people who are already like us. I don't want to live that way anymore.
This has been something that's been bombarding me everywhere I go. I guess God does that when He's trying to tell you something. See, it's easy to compare where I eat my food with what my sister does. But in the end that's not what matters. It's the way I was obedient with the rules that were clearly set by our parents.
And I know I've done that as a Christian before too.
I'll see more mature Christians doing something, and without even thinking about if it's truly Biblical, I'll just assume it's fine if I do that too. Because they're Christians right? But that's where I need to stop. Because we are supposed to be comparing ourselves to Christ, not other Christians.
You know, Jesus did say go make disciples. But society says that is awkward and weird and we need to just leave people alone and let them do their own thing. You know, good old laissez-faire?
But society isn't the one that accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior..
And the more I thought of this, the more stressed I became. Because I realized most American Christians love to live lukewarm.
So what am I supposed to use as a reference point? All I have is the Bible.
And then the next realization hit me.
That's exactly how it's supposed to be. Me and the Bible.
Now please, please, PLEASE don't think I'm saying group Bible studies or church or Christian friends are irrelevant. Not at ALL. They are awesome awesome awesome.
But when it comes to evaluating how I am living my life, I need to look at Jesus's standard, not the American church's.

Some things are pretty clear cut. Jesus says do it. So why do we sit and analyze and try to talk our way out of thinking that He meant it?
Live Without Pretense. Love. Drink More Water. Jesus's Rules. JESUS RULES! ;D